Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It was worth getting up so early

Apparently my nurse isn't so good with writing down the appointments once they are made. It is kind of like the Seinfeld episode where they are good at "taking" reservations but not as good at "keeping" the reservation. Well, it wasn't so bad. When they realized they had double booked Dr. B said he would come in early and do the U/S himself. This required that I also come in early and do the U/S and b/w, but I thought it is better to get in early and then I don't have to take any time off work.

I really like it when I surprise the Drs. Last cycle was a complete bust. The highest my E2 levels reached was 52 and then they plummeted. (Hmm it really feels like there should be two t's there, but oh well). Any way this cycle is going better. I am really, really frightened about getting too excited about this. I feel like I am jinxing myself, but I can't help it. I am very happy about the results. (Maybe not as happy as Dr. B because I really don't quite have a full grasp on the E2 number game, yet)

What did the u/s reveal? 5 follicles greater than 10mm. (that seems pretty good considering it is only day 6 of stims (and I haven't done that injection yet). Even more suprisingly, there were 10 other follicles hanging out that were less than 10. Dr. B suggested that a few of them might get with the program and start growing. My nurse, K, told me that she heard I was very photogenic this morning. She has been doing this job for quite awhile and I have the feeling that she used that line before, but I appreciate the sentiment.

Then they call and give me the E2 levels......247. Now, I have read all of the info that says that E2 levels should be around 200/mature follicle at the time of harvest. So to me 247 doesn't sound that great, but again Dr. B. (or so I was told), was pleasantly surprised. I guess he was just a little tainted by my dismal failure during the last IVF cycle.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am thankful for my clinic, for all of the people there (I think they really do care), for my lovely husband who hasn't heard the good news yet, for my beautiful baby dog who will be the baby protector, and for all of the cyclesistas, who help put things in perspective. I don't know why I got all mushy, I just felt like I needed to say that I really do appreciate my life, and I felt that sometimes you just have to say these things.


Kate said...

Hi Maredsous! Your numbers seem great. My clinic does not even look until day 7 so I have no idea what my E2 is and what follicles may be fussing around in there- so glad you have the incremental information to go by! Being optimistic doesn't cost any more--so I'd say, revel in it. Hang in there and good luck. I'll check in tomorrow.

Sarah said...

i am all about low expectations and avoiding disappointment, but you also have to let yourself celebrate the good news as it comes or how would we ever get through it all? if you separate each piece from the big picture then being happy about a good E2 doesn't have to mean getting hopes up about whatever comes next. for now, i'm very happy for your good news!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that E2 numbers and follicles are looking good. I know how much we all live and breathe by those numbers during the course of a cycle. Good luck!